Funbox UltraHD 4K tv-műsor
2024.04.27 12:45 - 13:40 Funbox UltraHD 4K
Max Foodie, Ep 9
Hong Kong houses the world's highest number of millionaires and it's something that's not lost on you as venture to Asia's world city. In this episode, Sashi is on a quest to understand how Michelin rates and assesses the sheer depth of eateries in this metropolis. He will meet the top chefs of the city and understand their psyche, their trials and tribulations as they climbed their way to the top of the restaurant industry with 3 michelin stars. But it's not all high brow cuisine, Sashi will also dive deep into the old school neighborhoods, sampling the local fare and seek out how Michelin is rating Asia's sheer depth of eateries. 
Inkább máskor?
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05.25 08:50 Funbox UltraHD 4K

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