Docubox HD tv-műsor
2024.04.19 08:00 - 08:30 Docubox HD
Nature's Force - Ep. 05
Snow is a fascinating world of crystals that animals, plants, and humans have had to adapt to, in order to benefit from its best and survive its worst attributes. Some communities live with Tornadoes by building homes with survival features and rather than get out of their paths, they rely on warning systems and classifications. And behind all great weather events is Wind, find out how and why it can change from a gentle breeze into a devastating gale force and where does it go? Nature's force can be mystical and puzzling and the Sunshower has been the subject of myths and legends and superstitions, but it does have a scientific explanation. 
Inkább máskor?
05.19 08:55 Docubox HD
05.26 16:25 Docubox HD

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